Saturday, April 17, 2021

It's Getting Real Now

Well, my InDesign class just kicked into high gear.  I went from watching hours of videos every week and no projects to now having two big multi week projects going on simultaneously.  I’m worried that I’m going to end up spending more time on this class than my other classes combined. The funny thing is I thought by week 10 I’d be familiar with how things worked in my classes and have a good rhythm down.  I was not expecting the rhythm to change completely.

That said, I think that doing these projects will definitely give me a chance to really use InDesign and put in practice the stuff I’ve been learning in all the hours and hours of videos. Whether or not I will enjoy that process is another story. As someone who enjoys art and creativity, I had hoped that graphic design might be a good path. I have yet to take an actual graphic design course, but based on what I’ve learned so far in this class, there is a lot to do with the nitty gritty details of typography that just makes me want to curl up in a ball and take a nap. How do people get excited about that stuff?  Robin Williams’ (not the actor Ha!) intro to The Mac is not a Typwriter indicates to me that she is someone who really cares about all of that nitty gritty stuff. But I was figuratively shaking my head the whole time I was browsing through the contents. Clearly she and I are not kindred spirits! 

Anyway, I’m trying to kick myself in the ass a bit and find my positivity. I don't have to love typography to understand the value in making things look good. And I may be pulling my hair out working on this class for the rest of the semester, but I will learn things!

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